I'm Andre Young
Sr. Software Engineering Manager

44 years young, husband and father, code addict

Hello, My name is Andre.

I am a thoughtful and strategic thinker with 25 years of experience, capable of leading teams to deliver customer focused solutions that scale and are resilient over time. I am an active listener that challenges, empowers and inspires the next generation of problem solving leaders through hands-on mentorship, coaching and knowledge sharing.

As of December 10th, 2023 I have joined the RulesLab organization as a technical leader in the Design and Management tower. Our goal is to create the premier Decisioning platform at Capital One .

Prior to Capital One I spent 16 years at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) as the Application Development Lead for the PAAC V contract. At GSFC I crafted a number of cool (and sometimes important but not so cool) projects. I coached developers of all seniorities, establishing industry best practices such as agile, automated testing, Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery and more.

In addition I ran a bi-weekly developer meetup at NASA, where we discussed various development topics ranging from AWS lessons learned, microservice architecture, and Imposter Syndrome to knowing how to say "No" to a customer and having them say "thank you" afterwards.

I love growing teams, coaching, development, learning and sharing the things I've learned. See my resume and other interests below.

Contact Details

My Latest Work

Most of my work is proprietary but I'm looking to expand my open source portfolio soon. Stay tuned!

Podcast Info

I love podcast and want to share what I'm "subscribed" to, what I've "started", and what I have "queued" so I created the Azure Function to retrieve that information so that I can display it on this site.

Personal Portfolio

Hand crafted gatsby redesign of this website using Typescript, Azure Functions and more. Checkout the repo at the link below.

ITSMF Capstone Project

In 2023 I graduated from the ITSMF Management Academy. As a part of this program I lead a team of diverse leaders to create a website that would capture the attention of young minority students with the goal of increasing STEM engagement. The results of the project can be seen at https://youngaj.github.io/capstone/.


Similar to the Conveyor Belt project RulesLab aspires to be the Decision Engine platform for Capital One. Utilizing DMN along with an intuitive interface this project has the potential to process millions of transactions per day.

Conveyor Belt (CB)

A low code meta-platform to enable internal development teams to onboard and easily use internal Capital One platforms. The focus of the project is to improve the internal associate experience and decrease cycle times while ensuring appropriate governance and traceability for intents leveraging key Capital One platforms.

OneStream & Snowflake

This project allowed product owners and partner teams to gain insights into the Focus Platform by producing a stream of events via OneStream (Kafka) into Snowflake and internal Capital One data lake.

Commercial Real Estate Management (CREM)

Skunkworks project to leverage internal Capital One platforms to improve rent collection and property management.

My resume

I have learned quite a bit over my 25 years of work experience. Below is an excerpt of the roles I've held over my career.

Work Experience
1999 - Now

2023 - NOW

Senior Manager, Software Engineering - Capital One

2020 - 2023

Senior Manager, Software Engineering - Capital One

2012 - 2020

Application Development Lead & IT Lead - ASRC Inuteq (NASA)

2011 - 2012

Senior Application Developer - ASRC PRIMUS (NASA)

2007 - 2011

Senior Programmer - ASRC Federal (NASA)

2007 - 2007

Software Engineer - Systems Management Engineering Inc


I subscribe to 0 podcasts with 0 currently in my podcasts listening queue.

I started my podcast journey to make better use of my time during long commutes to the office. I love listening to podcasts! They are a great way to keep up with the latest around the industry. Below is a list of 0 podcasts episodes that I have starred over the years. You can also find the 0 episodes on which I was a guest.

I hope you enjoy as much as I have. If you know of other podcasts you would recommend please send me your suggestions at @Dreyoung79

Dev Group Sessions

Attending developer meet ups are a great way of expanding your knowledge and skills. But many of us have family and other obligations outside of work so I created and hosted a bi-weekly NASA wide developer group that ran for over 8 years. Below are excerpts from those sessions.

Recent Blog Posts

I don't often write blog posts but here are a few from my latest collection.